Worlds most famous Pablo Picasso Paintings and sculptures

Worlds most famous Pablo Picasso Paintings and sculptures

Famous Picasso Paintings : Pablo Picasso was a great artist in the 20th century. He was born on 25th October and lived until 8th April 1973. During his lifetime, he reached many milestones, he was fondly known as the poet, sculptor and the artist who founded the cubism movement. Some of his most famous paintings are Guernica(1937), Les Demoiselles(1907), The Old Guitarist(1904), Chicago Picasso(1967), Weeping Woman(1937), Girl before a mirror(1932) and many more.. Most of his artworks had a great deal of surrealism and he enjoyed working with many techniques and forms. Recently, art researchers have founded a 100 ft architectural sculpture sketch which was supposed to have erected in the University of Florida. Couple of days before Pablo Picasso go the approval for the $10million projected he unexpectedly left us. Now his dream will be fulfilled by the art historians by using modern technologies to build the biggest ever pablo picasso sculpture.

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