Daily Inspiration: 50 Best Photo Manipulation works from Famous Creative Designers

50 Best Photo Manipulation works from Famous Creative Designers
Photo Manipulations

Have you heard of the term, your photo has been photoshopped? Well, it’s a neat trick by graphic designers for manipulation of your photos. With a little bit of blending and merging the photos, the graphic designers allow their inner creativity flow through the photos. Photo manipulation works are very personal and it takes you to a magical land where everything you see is surreal. What exactly is photo manipulation? It’s the blending of images to a surreal level with photo editing which requires design software like Adobe Photoshop. Adobe Photoshop is the most sought after software for photo manipulation works, the blending and merging along with custom brushes can give stunning results. Check out the stunning photo manipulations created with twisted concepts by some of the famous designers across the world. Point us your favorite in the comments section.

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