Daily Inspiration: 10 Simple Digital Character Design illustrations by Ukranian Artist Yelyzaveta

10 Simple Digital Character Design illustrations by Ukranian Artist Yelyzaveta

Yelyzaveta, an Ukranian freelance artist proficient in graphic design, brand identity, print design and wordpress. She creates characters and background concept for games and develops characters for websites. Her "thats cool to be different" character design project has a huge response in social media and the concept impresses the viewers as it is unique. Everyone of us is different in our own way and we have our hobbies which reflect on us. The way people express themselves with their varied interests acted as inspiration for the "thats cool to be different" project of Yelyzaveta. She has created illustrations for children’s books and was admired by the young minds. The character design for Resto pet created a beautiful and cute pet cat and dog which are amazingly lively. Here we share few of the creative character designs of Yelyzaveta for you to enjoy.

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